Hey Everyone,
I've been seeing the stork pop up quite a bit recently. Keeps telling me that I wasn't able to pick up a reagent because I have to many already. The reagent in question is Mist Wood. There is an abundance of it in Avalon, and I am now fully stocked.
This in itself is not an issue, the real problem starts when the Yuletide Pack is released and I can't buy any because my reagents are full! Luckily for me though, I was about to stumble on a new crafting quest that would fix these problems and give me a challenge to boot :)

Over at Avalon I have been mentioning a spell that I really want. I have been holding onto 250,000 gold for a while as I knew this was the cost. And then I found Grady, after I defeated the Indigo Giant. And Grady is quite a find - he sells craftable spells. Not TCs - actual spells. And so my 250,000 gold was seriously depleted as you can see left....
Deer Knight - 60,000 Gold thank you very much!
There is also Lord of the Night, and if I hadn't been hanging out for the other spell I would have purchased it too, but the Lord can wait. Deer Knight will be more than enough for now.
As you all probably know by now, I am a collector of many things. I try to keep my reagent levels up for most items should the need arise. And the need has indeed arisen here! As you can clearly see, I have the bottom row sorted included the ever elusive Amber. I know a lot of Wizards struggle getting Amber. Me? I have Morgrim to thank. His posts and eBooks on gardening have taught me a great deal, and in this case - gardening to get reagents. Nevertheless, the top row is lacking. Let's start with Blood Moss. I have 18 - I need 100. Hmmmm.

Time to go back to the Barn and my crafting tables to see what I have in the way of Transmute Cards that can increase this rather pitiful number. OK - so Red Mandrake will do for a few more, but nowhere near enough!
I use all of them and then start running through the rest of my Transmute Cards to see if I have anything else useful.

Good news! I have another card that Transmutes Mist Wood and Deep Mushrooms into Red Mandrake.
Now this is a double good find, as using Mist Wood will allow me to stop seeing the Stork for a while, and that means I can buy some Seasonal packs if I so wish.
I would always say to pick up any reagent you see as you wander around the Spiral. You can clearly see I have lots of these, which means lots of Red Mandrake will be the outcome. Let's see how many I can get and how that relates to the the Blood Moss numbers......
Well that's not bad going really. I have spent no further gold to go from 18 to 60 with reagents I have in my back-pack. I still have a way to go, especially the remainder of the Blood Moss and the Deer Knight TCs too. But my journey to gain Deer Knight has started well.
Now I need to pop over the Halfang to get my gold stores back up to 250,000 - I just know that spell is around the corner!
I'll let you know how I go on both counts!
Have fun, until next time,