To make your 'perfect pet', ask yourself 2 questions... What talents do I want and how can I get them? & How high do I want my stats to be?
Some talents that I would suggest trying to get would be:
Fairy Friend/Unicorn/Spritely/EB. Fairy Friend is the obvious first choice out of these healing talents, as it provides you pet with a chance to cast Fairy. The others aren't as good but aren't far behind. I would get Unicorn if you're a team player but otherwise, EB (Energizing Battery) and Sprite are useful too. Energizing Battery (may cast Healing Current) is also useful for a 1000 health heal a third of the time so choose wisely.
That pretty much sums up the talents I would usually go for but there are others that some people may choose. For example. I might be working on a Death Damage pet (which I kind of am now), I want maximum damage from my pet. I would choose Death Dealer, Pain Giver, Death Giver and maybe something like Spell Proof or Fairy since there are only 3 damage talents.
Keep experimenting and researching and see what you find.
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