Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I have been working on something BIG. It will change the way you play and think about Wizard101 - drop me a line or leave me a comment if you want to know more. But more on that later.

The thing I like about Wizard101 the most is that it is just plain and simple FUN! Whether it be questing, gardening, PvPing, pet training or crafting, there is so much depth to the game.
One of the things I'll often do is help people. That can mean lots of things to lots of people. For example, when I port to help in a fight, I ask "hit or heal" or sometimes "fast or slow", so I know what kind of role people want me to play. It is normally "hit" and "fast", but not always.

A good example was today - Blaze was looking to compile a detailed guide to Mount Olympus, so he asked me to join to help get some great pics, but also to help smash our way through fights. I enjoy helping anyone who is rare that I cannot lend a hand.
Here are some pics that I took along the way, although Blazes will be awesome, just like the Guide he is writing will be..and yes Bad Guys, that is a super pumped-up meteor with your name on it :)
So, if you see me around the Spiral, don't be scared to say "Hi" and ask me if I'd like to help.
See you 'round the Spiral!
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