You know I was very excited when I found out that I would be getting my Scarecrow card at level 48. Dworgyn sent me on a quest to the Labyrinth in Dragonspyre. I have been trying to get there ever since. A very nice Wizard I was questing with a few days said he could take me there, but I politely refused. I like to do this in order.... as frustrated as I was at having to wait.
So last night I eventually got there. Then I found it was a 2 hour dungeon. There is no way I had 2 hours to spare so I was worried that I would have to play the waiting game again. Luckily that part of the quest was over quickly, so I left the dungeon - that can wait till another day.

Tonight I was determined to get that card. I am nearly level 50. I have waited long enough. Last night Dworgyn sent me to MooShoo - the Tree of Life. I have done this a couple of times already, so that was my first port of call for tonight. Turns out you have to do the dungeon as well. I was hoping to just pop over, do a battle and then back to Dworgyn. No such luck! It didn't take long to get to the battle I needed, and little time to clear the boss and straight back to Nightshade.

One more step!! Hoping it was not another battle, I continued through Dworgyn's chatter.... We're going to make a scarecrow!!

So we need to collect supplies........ Twigs from Mortis...
Then a quick hop over to Olde Town..... What else do you make a scarecrow with - Cloth, of course! Gloria is happy to oblige :)
Back to Dworgyn, wondering just what might happen next; and it's time to go to the haunted cave.

With bated breath I go there. I must be getting close now, surely? Another thing I noticed is that I get a pet at the end of this quest.... didn't realise that! I anticipated that the scarecrow would appear in front of me, and I was not disappointed.... or should I say dissssappppointed. It is very amusing how the scarecrow speaks. I'll have to remember to record it next time!

After the scarecrow disappeared it was time to go back to Dworgyn... for the final time. Woo Hoo!!
Set off the Confetti Cannons!!!
I got my card, along with a Wraith pet. As you can see Scarecrow is already in my deck. Can't wait to start using it..... Maybe I'll do better in Aquila now. Who knows?
Till next time,
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