I'm over at Dragonspyre at the moment. Got to say I am loving it. After the brightness of Moo Shoo, it is nice to have a world that is a little less so. But I am also loving the story - the fact that they let you see the world before the troubles started. I am loving moving around the stone pathways and towers. This world suits me :)
I recently leveled up to 48, and now have the quest to get my next spell - the Scarecrow. As a death wizard it will be my first all enemy hit spell, so I am looking forward to becoming more effective. Of course the fact that 50% life is given back is a total bonus - this card should be a game changer!
So tonight I set about clearing some of the smaller quests out so I can move onto the Labyrinth - this is where I need to go for the next part of my spell quest. Moved up to the' The Collector'. The minion was taken care of very easily, so I set in to take care of the Boss. A little tricky due to Balance school and the incessant need to throw weakness at me. But I wore it down, kept my life about midway. Then one of my Wizard mates joined. All good - I have completed some dungeons with him, and they were good quests. I wasn't concerned that he joined - the minion would soon be taken care of.....
And then - frustration!!! He fled the fight. Didn't play any spells, didn't say anything - just fled. So now my battle was very tricky. Although a low level minion (just 1010 health) - I had been battling for a little while and had run through quite a few of my treasure cards, as well as my pack. I held my ground, my health dwindled very low, but luckily I had packed a few Sacrifice. I kept going. The fight took another 10 minutes to finish. It should have taken about two more spells had my 'friend' not joined. So it was very frustrating. A number of times I thought it was all over. But I did it. I completed the quest.
A great outcome, but the frustration caused by the 'flee'....... grrrrrrr! I know this is something we all have happen to us, but this was probably the worst time it has happened to me so far. What about you guys? Have you had a wizard friend do this to 'at just the wrong moment'? Did you win? Would love to hear your stories!!
Until Next Time,
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