
Friday 1 May 2015

Made it to Elder! Just in time!

Finally my Couch Potatoes went Elder so I was able to harvest them.

After harvesting the first one, let's just say I was very happy.

After receiving 2 seeds from each harvest, I went to fully finish off my garden.

I now have every plot filled. :)

In addition to finally having a fully stacked garden of 28 Couch Potatoes, I also just over 2 pages left over!

This means that I can create a stacked garden on another one of my wizards! The more mega snacks the better!

Thanks for reading and good luck with you're gardening! I also will be doing a Hatch-A-Thon one day where I will have my wizards, each equipped with a nice pet, and will give away 6 hatches!

Watch out for more updates and posts in the future!

- Blaze

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