
Monday 5 January 2015

Reflection and the Fansite Festival

Top stories this week.....
  • Fansite Festival
  • Best of 2014
  • 2014 in Review
Happy New Year from all of us at the Keep. We hope your Christmas was fantastic and wish each and every one of you a fabulous 2015 filled with fun and smiles! While we have been off on our holidays, the Spiral has kept itself busy. I haven't had time to catch up on all the news from fellow bloggers, but that is why I find the weekly so useful. There are a couple of copies for me to catch up on, you can use the Archive link at the top of the Weekly Page to view the older issues if you have been away and missed some!

This week is very much a time of reflection, but Swordroll shares the announcement of the Fansite Festival - this looks great and I will be checking this out in more detail this week.

Don't forget you can click on the paper to see the rest of the news being shared at the start of this new year!

Hope you enjoy and we'll be back with another copy next week.

Until Next Time,

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