
Tuesday 13 January 2015

It's all in the name.....

Top stories this week.....
  • Time for a Smile?
  • Blaze's Tips
  • Krokotopian Secrets
Running slightly late with the Weekly this week, sometimes real life just seems to take over!

Let's get into it! KI have published a great article on their blog about the 'punny' names that are often used in Wizard101. I'm sure you've all seen one or two of them around, and maybe you have one of your own wizards with a creative pun used for the name. I was amazed to find that there are almost 2 million name combinations available. Oh and you really must spend some time reading the comments too. Being a Dr Who fan I just want to say thanks to lewski for pointing out that Amy Pond and Tyler Rose are both available - while not puns the fan names can be just as much fun!
In other news, Blaze is back with more tips. This time he has a neat tip of playing the Cannon Game  for Pet Training more efficiently. We all know that when it comes to Pet Training, fast is generally the want - so this is a helpful tip!
Lastly, Swordroll shares with us his experiences in the secret room in Krokotopia. I love the stories and rumours that surround Wiz101, so it's great to see that Swordroll and Elijah had success and 'found' the room. Although it was somewhat sad to keep reading and find that said room or glitch has now been removed. I hope the rest of the community continues to point out these cool glitches when they find them. They really are a heap of fun!

Don't forget you can click on the paper to see the rest of the news being shared this week!

Hope you enjoy and we'll be back with another copy next week.

Until Next Time,

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