
Monday 20 October 2014

Wow! A Double Nightmare!!

Hey everyone!

Top stories this week.....
  • Nightmare x 2 !!
  • Mmorg - giveaway
Whilst Halloween is an awesome time of the year, without the Nightmare pack - it just isn't complete! So it was great to see the return of one of my favourite packs..... and then to discover the Harrowing Nightmare pack as a new addition....  well I, for one, was made up!! The next excitement came when I found out that there was a giveaway based on the new pack....! The Spiral is alight with the return of one of the most anticipated packs, and the hidden treasures from a totally new one - I've devoted the whole paper to it this week!

Of course there are other stories around, so to catch up on all the other stories shared by Wizards around the globe, click on the paper.

Hope you enjoy and we'll be back with another copy next week.

Until Next Time,

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