
Monday 6 October 2014

PHEW! What a Week!!!

Hey everyone!

Top stories this week.....
  • Halloween is Back! 
  • The 5 Boxes  
  • 6-Candles 
It's been a HUGE week in the Spiral. First big news was the return of Halloween - which is always heaps of fun. Run around Wizard City collecting spooky items and take care of the naughty vegetables misbehaving in the haunted Cave. And then another personal fave - of mine anyway..... The Professor and his "bigger on the inside" Red Telegraph box are on the move through time and space in the Spiral. Catch him in this limited time event! And then there was the culmination of the Birthday month of September - the last candle was lit and we were given the gift of crowns... PHEW!!! What a week!

As always, to catch up on all the other stories shared by Wizards around the globe, click on the paper.

Hope you enjoy and we'll be back with another copy next week.

Until Next Time,

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