
Wednesday, 17 September 2014

The attack on Cronus

With Blaze's last post " The Secret Bosses of Aquila" in mind Morgrim decided to try to get the 'Blade of the Felled Titan' or the 'Exalted Amulets' from Cronus.  At 30 000 health we decided that Morgrim would hit, Blaze would boost and I would look after our health.

It was fun watching all the blades and traps go on, and with a total of 13 boosts Morgrim attacked with Sun Serpent.  

The result, as you would expect, was complete overkill and I think surprised us all with how big it ended up being.

Unfortunately, no good drops for anyone, so we will be back to try our luck again.

Alia :)


  1. Wow! That is a BIG Hit Morgrim!!!

  2. You know, it wasn't supposed to be anything like that, I just got stuck on drawing a decent hit card. I hadn't fixed my deck and was running way too heavy on cards. Also, when there are 3 of you stacking, it doesn't take long at all :)

    As Alia said, we were all a bit surprised at that one!
