
Sunday, 10 August 2014

The Scavenger Hunt by Paige at Wizard101Central!

Have you seen the Scavenger Hunt over at Wizard101Central?  It is a part of their massive birthday celebrations, and the amazing Paige Moonshade has put together a challenging hunt through the Spiral for 20 different items!

Click HERE to jump directly to the Hunt!

A long-time friend of mine, Alia Stormsong asked me if I had been hunting around the Spiral for any of the items, but I had forgotten all about it!  Alia Starshade, Blaze and I have plunged into it with passion, and we have nailed one quickly.  Blaze had the idea, and Alia and I locked in on the target.

No. 19 is locked in, screenshotted and filed away.

Here is an example of one of the items - in fact is it No. 19...

As I write, we have 4 down, 16 left.  Let's see how we go with the rest of them - no hints now!

How are you going with the Scavenger Hunt?  Have you found them all yet?

Good Luck.

See you 'round the Spiral!



  1. Update - make that 5 :)


  2. Congratulations on 5 so far!

    Good luck you three, hope that you find them all :D

  3. Thanks Scarlet...6 down now and hot on the tail of 2 more!


  4. This is a great idea, thanks to Paige for putting it up. For lower level wizards, I think it is definitely a team thing - I can't get to worlds past Zafaria yet (actually I have 2 tapestries for Avalon)..... and I can see at least one of these seems to be from a world I cannot get to :)
    So not only is it a great competition, but great for getting wizards working together!

    Good-luck to you, Alia and Blaze - keep us updated with your count :)

