
Monday 18 August 2014

Shark Alert - Predictions - Energy

Hey everyone!
  • Shark Week -  and the release of the Warhammerhead shark
  • Energy Elixirs -  Grub Guardian can help
  • Seeing the Pattern? - Future Predictions?
So this was the week that House-A-Palooza drew to a close and Shark Week was once again with us. Exciting that a new shark was released for this week only, so if you haven't got yours, you haven't got much time left to snare one! Frostcaller has put up some tips on getting Energy Elixirs using Grub Guardian - these things are like gold dust with all the energy needs around the Spiral. And one of those past-times is of course fishing. It is still hard to go any length of time without another style of fishing post. For this and all the other stories shared by Wizards around the globe, click on the paper.

We'll be back with another copy next week.

Until Next Time,

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