
Monday 25 August 2014

ALS Ice Bucket challenge reaches the Spiral!

Hey everyone!
  • FrostCaller -  celebrate the awesome talents over at WU
  • ALS Ice Bucket Challenge -  hits the Spiral
  • Malduit - Tabitha's new minion
It has been a slow week at the Keep. We've had wizards away and wizards ill, so stories and time in the Spiral has been rare. While we recover and recoup, at least we have the Wizard101 Weekly to keep us up to date with what everyone else has been up to. For those of you who know and love FrostCaller, you'll be pleased that he has teamed up with Wizards Unite to give away some of his awesome graphics. If you don't know of his talents yet, then open the paper and follow the link. You'll see this image and more are available to download and use! And it was one of those weeks, when an excellent cause that has taken the world by storm made it's way into the Spiral. I have noticed a few Twitter challenges, and Paige Moonshade has recorded her Ice Bucket debut on YouTube! For this and all the other stories shared by Wizards around the globe, click on the paper.

You know I was determined to get through one week without mentioning Fishing.......!! Hope you enjoy and we'll be back with another copy next week.

Until Next Time,

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