
Saturday, 30 August 2014

6 Years Young!

Over here in the Southern Hemisphere, the arrival of September means it's Spring!(I know it's not quite here, but Wizard101 have called early on September, so I am too!). The morning chill is fast disappearing and the temps everywhere are in the increase. So it's a great time to celebrate, and what better way than to have a party? Of course, the great news is that September is also the Birthday month for Wizard101, and that means cool giveaways, more sales and more celebrations!

It seems the birthday candles will reveal a cool giveaway each week. Candle number ONE is super awesome, and something I can't wait to place this in one of my gardens - 

Birthday Gala Gazebo Housing Item!

September is a month long celebration in the Spiral, so make sure you check back throughout the  month for special birthday deals and offers!

Oh - wait.... there's more!! What celebration would be complete without a special new fish reveal? Yes - there is a birthday mystery fish!

There's a rare new fish in town creeping in the waters of the Spiral. It's only here during the Wizard101 birthday celebration month... can you catch it?

I sent out the spies and this rare fish can be found in Unicorn Way - which is great because it means Wizards of all levels have a chance of snagging one. If you don't want to find out what the fish is then look away now - or don't scroll down....!
Be on the lookout for a Balance fish that bubbles more than other fish. You can catch this beauty throughout the month - good luck.

Thanks to KI for letting us enjoy their Birthday with them :)

Have fun, until next time,

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