
Sunday, 20 July 2014

The Dino Bundle - Last Minute - Yes or No!?!

With the imminent demise of the Dino Bundle, I thought it might be worth checking it out in detail.  I tend to delay purchases like this sometimes, but I hate to think I will miss out on something really special, so when these Bundles reach "End of Life", I will go through everything included to determine what I should do.

So, is the Dino Bundle something I shouldn't let go?  Is there a little gem that is worth the USD$39?

OK, let's start with the House.  Like Tabitha, I like my houses.  I collect only those that I consider to be the best.  What is the Pyramid of the Lost Horizon really like?

First, it is big.  Really big.  I like that - a lot :)  It does mean that to create something special here you do need to think carefully.  If you don't, it can look messy quickly, or you will churn through your 250 item limit without even trying.

It has two, no three(!) secret areas...another really good bonus.  I like the hidden surprises.

In fact, this house is amazing.  All different kinds of scenery, size that you can get lost in and hidden features all over the place.  I'm kinda excited already!

The mount.  If you have been playing Wizard for more than a few days, you will have seen this guy thundering around.  The massive two person T-Rex is a beast (I have always loved the T-Rex) .  He is currently the tallest walking mount around and can carry two wizards on his back.  Hmm...that is another big tick from me.

The wand - a Hunter's Bow, or more correctly "Deathspitters Bow".  I have to admit, before they became popular, I loved my bow.  Now that they are more popular, there is less of an appeal, but I do still like them. Given the stats and the cards that come with this wand, I think the benefits of this one end there.

Next - the warrior outfit.  With names like "Aztecosaur War-Helm", Aztecosaur War-Shell" and Aztecosaur War-Boots", they sound very cool :)

In the world of Critical, which we seem to have entered, it is important to note that there is zero critical on offer here.  Universal Defense and Attack are both good but not great, and the piercing is pretty handy.  If you are a Life Wizard, the cards are for you, with everything from Lifeblade to Mass Triage.

The gear looks quite good, but not quite great.  This is a solid inclusion depending how you play the game.

Finally, the pet.  This guy is solid with two 250s and one 240 stat in the native pet.  He is a Stegosaurus and looks great, also dealing some nice cards as he matures.  His natural abilities are good with a mix of selfish and unselfish talents.  In fact, he has a couple of the less common talents such as Stun Recalcitrant. He is a real keeper.

My only thing here is that you can get pets by cross-breeding, so there is no loss if you don't get it from a pack.

So - what are the real specials that I would miss owning when this pack leaves?

I'd say, definitely that house and the mount.

OK then, what to do?

I think that I need to justify about $30 of value out of this one.  Given past history, I might be tempted to take a chance and see if I can get that mount as a part of a special giveaway, so it comes down to the house.

And it is a helluva house.

Now that I have completed by review, I am confident in my decision.  I won't tell you what I have decided, as I want you to make up your own mind, but if you see me around the Spiral, why not ask?  And if you feel so inclined, let me you think it is good value?

See you 'round the Spiral.



  1. Hmm... there's a 25% off at the moment. I wonder if you were tempted? :D

    Once again, another well written review, thanks.

  2. Aha! For me to know... lol

    (And thanks again Scarlet.)

