
Monday 10 February 2014

Ravenwood Update

Unlike the rest of the family here at Wizard's Keep, I am still a fairly new Wizard and haven't yet completed my first year in the Spiral. This being my first February, it was nice to find out about Friendship Festival time. The latest edition of the Ravenwood Bulletin tells you more. They have even created some Friendship festival Valentines cards you can send to wizard friends.

More items in the bulletin this month are the announcement of the FanSite Tapestries. All the official sites (listed on that page) have competitions this month to win a tapestry. My most used housing item is my Bazaar Tapestry. And I often have other wizard friends porting to me when I am at home to make use of this very handy item. So try your luck... there are sorts of places you could end up!!

There are some super cute quotes littered over the page.... I have copied one of them here, and another at the end :)

"The things that make me different are the things that make me."

For all of you FaceBook users, the banner page is being changed everyday, and they are calling out for Wizards to provide the art work. You can take a screenshot of you with your fiends and send it in to their community email address - don't forget to press Ctrl-G to get rid of the interface elements in your picture. Details are on the Bulletin.

And then right down at the end of the Bulletin there's some concept art for Khrysalis Part 2, yet another sneek peek at the what's coming our way soon!

"I knew when I met you an adventure was going to happen."

 Head on over to the  Ravenwood Bulletin for the full story.  Enjoy!

Until Next Time,

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