
Friday, 7 February 2014

Can you believe it?!?

You know, I have been working on getting the best Gardening gear I could for quite some time.  I have purchased packs, farmed Mirror Lake, and the best I could do was a Flameborne robe.  Hey, 5 Energy is better than 2, which is what I had before.

Then came the Pack-a-Palooza and I put together a post on what I thought my best options were for buying packs.

Tabitha got herself some boots.  This was a great start.

...but guess what?  I actually followed my own advice and 4 packs later ...I GOT MY ROBE!!  WOOOHOOO!!!

That is 145 Energy for me now.  Aaahhhh...makes life so much easier!

Now I can think about running 3 large gardens at the same time.  It will also help with the 50+ White Tiger Lilies I have been collecting.

I know I also got a LOT of housing and gardening stuff, but it really was all worthwhile.  I don't mind wading through those extras and selling them at the Bazaar if the result is the one thing I am really looking for.

You know, I thought I would have to stitch it straight away, but then I found I didn't mind it that much after all.  I probably will stitch it, but for now, I am kinda happy.

What do you think?  To Stitch or not to Stitch?  Let me know!

Just the Night Wyvern to go!  Wish me luck!!

See you 'round the Spiral!



  1. Looks like camouflage gear, not gardening gear, Morgrim :) ...... although the bird on the shoulder is very cute.

  2. Thanks Tab...but I get the feeling you are suggesting that a Stitch is needed? Perhaps it might be handy to hide in one of my gardens in case I am trying to avoid someone :)

  3. Hmmm..... personally I would re-stitch.... but I am a little intrigued by that bird. Does it do anything or just sit on your shoulder? BTW how much extra energy did the robe give you?

  4. You know, I probably will. I haven't seen the bird do anything yet! I think it might be dead...

    As for the Robe, that is +22 giving me a grand total of 145 :) Very happy with that!!
