
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Castle Tours - Much needed Improvement!

Hey everyone,

Have you wondered how the ratings work for the Castle Tours? Or maybe just thought it unfair that a clearly unfinished house is rated top, when there are so many great houses out there? Now I know that the houses with the dungeons rate high, as everyone wants easy access to them. But some houses look like they have just been bought with no decoration inside or out, or maybe just a few scant items.

Seems unfair to me, that some Wizards go to so much effort - those houses deserve to be seen by everyone!

So I was happy to see that one of the other updates that will be included with the Khrysalis Part 2 update is as follows:

This is great news, and clearly shows that KI, once again, are listening to the masses and giving us great improvements in addition to the next part of the Khrysalis story. I understand that only level 10 wizards will be able to rate houses with this release too. Nice one!

Until next time,

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