
Monday, 6 January 2014

Alia'a Sightseeing through the Spiral - E

E - Is for Enchanting

Happy New Year to all the wizards in the spiral.  Christmas is such a magical time, and it is wonderful to be surrounded by this special holiday in the spiral.  Thanks to Wizard101 for creating all the enchanting objects to decorate our homes.

It has been a lot of fun putting the Christmas spirit in my spiral homes this time.  I have managed to add a few more items to my Christmas supplies this year.

With our Christmas tree now packed away for another year, it is now time to pack away my spiral Christmas items.  The hidden room in my Fantasy Palace becomes the storage area to put the Christmas tree, gifts and other items.....until December 2014


1 comment:

  1. Great game. Thanks for sharing the inspiring post! I like it.
    Wizard101 -
