
Sunday, 29 December 2013

Hatching a Drake Egg

Hey everyone,

My questing partner is not around for a while, so I am going back and finishing some of the quests we were planning to do together. The big one of note is in Dragonspyre in the Drake Hatchery. The quest to hatch a Drake from an egg.

Once you have the egg (gained from a standard and pretty easy tower fight), you need to warm it..... which means a quick visit back to Wizard City - actually Golem Court.

I wasn't sure I remembered this cave - I seem to remember Galen going there on a spell quest, but he is a fire wizard - different schools get to enter some places.... So off I go to Golem Court. The cave is small and unimpressive. But the brazier is enough to complete my quest in warming the egg. Then I have to go back to Dragonspyre. So make sure you mark your position BEFORE you go to Golem Court... just to save a bit of time. Wish someone had told me that!

The ancient Matriarch is a bit weird if you ask me. Slightly transparent and an odd angle when you approach, but very motherly once you have warmed that egg!
Once the egg is warmed the Matriarch announces "Even now I can feel the baby Drake stirring inside, warming to life". Of course there is another quest to do as the egg shell is very hard!! We need to help the Drakeling break through......

The next part of the quest happens right outside of the cave the Matriarch sits in front of.
In case you were wondering there is no need to mark your location for this one. Again - would have been nice if I had found that out before using 60 mana! So the Gallium Juggernauts are life and only 950 health.

For a Death wizard a very easy fight. But I wasn't successful in the first one. Or the second or third. In fact I had to get through 6 battles before I was able to finish that part of the quest. Trust me I was getting fed up of seeing "sorry you did not collect" messages! Make sure you have enough mana in case you face a string of battles. So back to talk to the Matriarch..... Of course it is not a simple hatch... there is more to do.
 I guess it would be pretty disappointing if it was not being guarded! Onto the next battle, and again you do not need to mark your location. You are just going further into the hatchery. Down to the battle and you'll face a level 8 Fire Boss and another Life Juggernaut. A fairly simple battle, unless you are a Fire Wizard!
Now I have to go over to the drake nest and use the hammer to break the egg. This little guy hatches and thanks you for helping to break the egg. This really is a lovely story!
To end the quest you have to go back to the Matriarch who is very happy.
The next part of the quest I will do another time. We will be teaching the baby drake the ways of the world by visiting the other mothers.

This is a great storyline in Dragonspyre. Can't wait to see where the next part of the quest leads us. But for now it is time to go.

Until next time,

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