
Thursday, 19 December 2013

BOOM Tree!!

Hey everyone! I was lucky enough to win a competition and received 4 yuletide packs. Got some good gear out of it, so if you see me round the spiral I am more of a Snow Queen than a death wizard! One of the other things I got was a Boon Tree. This is my first Christmas in the Spiral, so I had no idea what a Boon Tree would give. The Holidaisy is a bit of fun, so I thought the tree would be too.

On the plus side it looks good. A little baby Christmas Tree that shrinks and grows. It harvested a couple of times and gave me presents to put under my main tree. All good really!

So today I go to check it out, and find it at Elder. Not knowing what to expect I decided to video the harvest so I could share it with you. So here it is!

It really was a bumper harvest, and you probably didn't quite see what the end results was, so - along with 3000XP (always handy!) the total harvest was:

Yes that is a Pet and a 7-day mount included there. Much more than I expected!

So either get the Yuletide packs or go direct to the Crown Shop to pick one for yourself (although they are 2,000 crowns) and see what you get. Certainly not your usual harvest!!

Until Next Time,


  1. Very nice, a pet, a mount and Holi-daisies to plant :D Cool.

  2. Yes Scarlet! And they are easy to look after, so not much effort for that harvest :)
