
Friday 22 November 2013

If King Parsley likes it, then so do I !!!!

Been a very busy week, just about kept up with my gardening needs but not much else. There is news on the crafting front though!!

While I was online yesterday, a friend of mine was over at Celestia. Now I'm not one for running ahead too far with the story and try to get through things in order. However..... I knew there was an item from Gearwise in Celestia that I was interested in crafting.......

The Star Chalice.

As far as I know this item is only available as a crafted item. It may pop up in the Bazaar from time to time I guess (if it can be sold?).

So why do I want it?

Check out the "Seeds the Like Me".... Yep. It is a King Parsley like.

And if King Parsley likes it.... then so do I.

So there it is. My first non-quest craft item. I don't have everything I need.... next step is to go and find the items.

But for now, I have no more time. I'll let you know how I go.

Until next time,

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