
Monday 28 October 2013

Khrysalis - The new World...and Halloween

The new world, Khrysalis, is sounding very, very interesting.  I personally don't play in the Test Realm as I love to see the surprises that KI has for us in the live Wizard101 environment.  I just love the atmosphere of it all.  However, my main informant, Blaze, has been monitoring progress and what he is reporting on the Shadow magic is quite intriguing.

Let's just say, I am looking forward to what this new world has to offer us!

It is good to read about how Alia and Blaze are going with their pets.  Remember, *your* perfect pet will take time, a little luck, a lot of planning and (potentially) a LOT of gold.  More on this later, but rest assured, if you are prepared to put in the time, everyone can have their perfect pet.

It is getting late in the month, and here in Australia, that means it is warming up nicely.  It is also getting closer to Halloween!  For all of our US friends out there, you may be interested to know that Halloween comes and goes with very little fanfare here in Oz.  Here at Our Wizard's Keep, the kids love to dress up and we keep a stash of lollies (candy) here for the very infrequent trick or treaters.

Something that I thought I would share is an interesting screensaver for your PC.  It is just right to get in the mood for Halloween :)

Even the site is kinda interesting.

Skeleton Adventures

Tell me, is there anything interesting you do at Halloween?  What about other parts of the world?

See you 'round the Spiral!


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