
Tuesday 17 September 2013

The emerging Gardener

Hey Tabitha - it is good to see Emily is learning about likes.  I'll bet she read my post on it as I posted it after she asked for more gardening advice!

Check out the dead plants - they were the most surprising like for me!  Even dead they give you value.

The most number of likes you can get for a Seed is 6, but the real question is, do all 6 make a difference, or only some of them?  There is some interesting research to be done...

Likes can come from many sources, purchased at the Bazaar (or in other shops in the Spiral), crafted, planted or found, but the difference can be quite amazing.  Check Wizard101Central for the specific needs for your Seed and place them nearby - and you're done!  The difference it makes in time to grow is well worth the effort gathering them.

See you 'round the Spiral.


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