
Monday 30 September 2013

Alia's Sightseeing through the Spiral - D

D is for Decorating

Regardless of whether it is inside or outside wizards spend a lot of time and effort with decorating.  It is interesting to see the same house look completely different depending on the decorating.  My poor dorm room was forgotten as soon as I bought my second house, and now because I use teleporters I rarely go back there at all.  My life house is still one of my favourite houses and I love most of the rooms in it.  Below are 2 of my favourite areas.

The inside garden area, with headmaster statue and trophy.
 Inside my study with all of my crafting tables

The Wysteria Villa is one of my latest investments.  This house still needs a lot of attention but I have been crafting the cupboards for the kitchen.  It has a very different feel to it than the life house, and is still a work in progress.

Snow inside at my life room in my Wysteria Villa 
At the moment I have 6 homes, the Life House, Royal Estate, Massive Fantasy Palace, Imperial Palace, Wysteria Villa and the Red Barn Farm.  The Red Barn Farm seems to be more of a dumping ground at the moment to put all the furniture in because my backpack and bank were continually full.  I have just started a new garden there for my couch potatoes and should really farm for some more of them.

The outside space at my Fantasy Palace is one of my favourites.  This is the archery practice area.  Both targets were picked up at the bazaar, but they are hard to get :)

Stage/Play area, party pavilion, and camping grounds 
 Relaxing garden area with one of my favourite trees

I hope you've enjoyed seeing some of my homes, and I'll post some photos from friends homes soon.

Have fun
Alia :)

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