
Wednesday 24 July 2013

Enjoying the Views

Me again! Just had to pop on and mention the views. I love how the creators of Wizard101 have allowed views across the landscape. In Wizard City you can watch the Kraken quests for example. And now in Krokotopia I have climbed some pretty steep hills in an excavation site... so I turn to look at the view..... it is great to see the attention to detail!

Took a snap of a couple of the views to share here. When I get caught up in the constant questing and running around, it is easy to forget to appreciate the details..... and questing is a constant battle..... so taking time to look at the 'worlds' around us - and how different they are - is nice to do.

For example the views over Wizard City are very purple and grey, lots of waterfalls:

I recently opened Grizzleheim, and it is very different over there. I had a wander around but have not started questing over there yet. Take a look!

I'm really looking forward to heading off to a woody, green world... full of woodland paths. It has a lovely serene feel to it, and I think I will enjoy it more than the constant sands of Krokotopia.

In a strange coincidence, the KingsIsle Blog entry yesterday is titled "A day in the life of a KingsIsle Artist". It is a great insight into the background of the game.  Take a read yourself!

Until next time!

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