
Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Iron Golem

At long last I have defeated the Iron Golem. Seemed to take forever, but in reality it was about the 5th try - it's just that you have to go through all those other quests before you get to him!

I realised that I needed to increase my health, as that is what I always run out of! So on my last attempt I changed my gear and concentrated more on higher health and less so on damage and the like. I managed to increase my health over 100 what I had.... and it turns out this was enough to see me through to the end. Good-Bye Iron Golem!!

Makes me wonder though, how do you figure out the best gear? Is it really just a chance, do you plan before going into battle? Does it matter what cards you have in your deck even? I'm still so new to this........

Until next time,

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