
Wednesday 19 June 2013

Cyclops Lane & Firecat Alley

So I took a wander into Cyclops Lane and Firecat Alley the past couple of days, and I have to be honest I am feeling a little battle worn! There are a huge amount of battle quests in these two areas, many with some pretty huge brutes, although pretty is not the word to describe these fellas!
See Eyus-Maximus below - one ugly dude!

And how frustrating is it that you keep winning those battles, but do not get your bounty! I find I get caught up in the "oh no I need to kill another" or "not again!", that I am taking less notice of what I am winning - treasure cards or gear for example.

For the first time I found a wooden chest that gave me not just gold, but also a treasure card! Exciting day - I did not know you could get stuff other than gold in those :) So off I went to my deck to pop that treasure card into my hand, and what do I see? Another 5 treasure cards just sittings there!
I really need to get better at this ha ha!!

One bonus about these areas is that they seem to be abundant with reagents, though my 28 pieces of mist wood probably do not need adding to right now! Once I have got through a few more battle quests, I will turn my attention back to crafting. It is a skill I would very much like to learn more about :)

Until next time,

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